[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
by Anonymous | reply 147 | July 13, 2021 10:30 PM |
Didn't they already make this movie years ago?
by Anonymous | reply 1 | July 8, 2021 7:06 AM |
Yes, forgot to mention Overboard.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | July 8, 2021 7:08 AM |
She's got great legs for 75. The pic of him holding his giant belly is hilarous. They seem to have had a great life together. Too bad their kids are so annoying.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | July 8, 2021 8:14 AM |
Kurt still has a great head of hair. Goldie's backside is hideous, but she's 75 so she gets a pass. Kurt looks like he swallowed a basketball, but with the gorgeous head of hair he also gets a pass.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | July 8, 2021 8:49 AM |
Does she know that she has cottage cheese ass and a big belly? There are tons of fashionable swim suits that would be better looking than the black number.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | July 8, 2021 9:17 AM |
Oh good on them just being themselves. They ain't no spring chickens....and they aren't hurting anybody. Kurt was always my dream boat guy ....sigh
by Anonymous | reply 6 | July 8, 2021 9:22 AM |
But do they have sex five times a day?
by Anonymous | reply 7 | July 8, 2021 9:23 AM |
[quote]The mother-of-three looked incredibly youthful while going make-up free to allow her natural beauty to shine through, and wore her honey locks clipped up in a bun.
This is shameless.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | July 8, 2021 9:27 AM |
They look happy and aren’t exactly 25 anymore. So what? Let them relax and enjoy their older years.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | July 8, 2021 9:41 AM |
I love these two, there is never anything bad or controversial about them, and they seem like they are genuine and in love. Very rare for a Hollywood couple and I wish them nothing but happiness!
by Anonymous | reply 10 | July 8, 2021 10:05 AM |
They've both turned into walruses. Orcas would love them.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | July 8, 2021 10:20 AM |
I thought they broke up awhile back.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | July 8, 2021 10:23 AM |
Poor Kurt will need some Dasani by the bed at night 'cause her vagina just soaked in at least a ton of that sea water.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | July 8, 2021 10:25 AM |
I remember when they first got together it was a scandal that she was older than Kurt. I thought she was at least 10 years older, not just five.
Also, he needs to cut down on the beer, that's quite the belly he has going on.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | July 8, 2021 11:49 AM |
They look great.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | July 8, 2021 11:52 AM |
He's fat.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | July 8, 2021 11:55 AM |
[quote] There are tons of fashionable swim suits that would be better looking than the black number.
I agree. Only the young and thin look good in a tank bathing suit. She should be wearing a skirt-ini or even a swimdress, but unfortunately those who need them never seem to wear them.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | July 8, 2021 12:06 PM |
It would be so interesting now to have current photos of them all dressed up for an event to compare and contrast and see how the transformation of makeup, hair and styling works on this power couple.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | July 8, 2021 12:24 PM |
Goldie's face is so fucked up from all the plastic surgery. Poor thing. Kurt appears to be great with child.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | July 8, 2021 12:25 PM |
Many many years ago, I want to a Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition that was not yet open to the public. A friend of mine worked there and got me in. There were Goldie and Kurt, also specially admitted. What struck me was that they were both wearing lycra pants that clung to their bodies. It was as if their skin were covered with an outer layer. Their asses were completely visible (save for the lycra) and his was fantastic. In addition, in the front, the lycra clung to his cock and balls. They were, shall I say, out there. This must have been in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | July 8, 2021 12:48 PM |
R20 If all the dinos on here could get it up or lube down there, they'd surely cream their jeans with that image.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | July 8, 2021 12:51 PM |
Souse of Fransch.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | July 8, 2021 12:52 PM |
75 year old Goldie doesn't look any worse than 20-something year old Camila Cabello.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | July 8, 2021 12:56 PM |
I like them so I'm not going to chastise them, they're good people.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | July 8, 2021 12:58 PM |
Well they are playing Mr. and Mrs. Clause in that Netflix franchise.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | July 8, 2021 1:01 PM |
Eh, I'm envious. Let 'em be fat and happy! I'd love to have 1/10 of their money.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | July 8, 2021 1:03 PM |
I remember when Kurt was papped leaving a seedy massage parlour.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | July 8, 2021 1:03 PM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
by Anonymous | reply 28 | July 8, 2021 1:09 PM |
Her body is exactly the same as my mother’s - gut and all. I’m surprised that it isn’t better.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | July 8, 2021 1:28 PM |
" Well they are playing Mr. and Mrs. Clause in that Netflix franchise."
Oh Dear! will one be dependent and the other independent?
by Anonymous | reply 30 | July 8, 2021 1:33 PM |
R30 hahahaha!
by Anonymous | reply 31 | July 8, 2021 1:37 PM |
R20... that story and visual of Kurt in spray painted on leggings/lycra (light color too?) showing off his ass (and ass creases under each cheek and ass crack too?) and cock and balls blatantly obscenely pornographically is the stuff of masturbation legend!...
by Anonymous | reply 32 | July 8, 2021 1:50 PM |
I think they look GREAT!
by Anonymous | reply 33 | July 8, 2021 1:52 PM |
34 years and thy seem to still be happy and loving each other. Okay with being their natural selves. Good for them.
Years ago, Goldie used to have a rider in her movie contracts stating she had to have a close up of hr ass at some point in the film.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | July 8, 2021 2:06 PM |
R26- I just looked it up. Goldie Hawn has a net worth of $100 million.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | July 8, 2021 2:08 PM |
Is "Overboard" really a "cult classic," as the DM would have it?
by Anonymous | reply 36 | July 8, 2021 2:12 PM |
70 and 75, and both seemingly happy and healthyish. We should all be so lucky at that age.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | July 8, 2021 2:17 PM |
I'd happily let Kurt Russel plow my hole...move over Goldie.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | July 8, 2021 2:33 PM |
Why all of a sudden the paps are following them? They have been on vacation and they were never photographed..what's the catch?
by Anonymous | reply 39 | July 8, 2021 2:43 PM |
I'm sorry but Kurt looks awful, like he has been steadily drinking since his movie career ended. I don't understand how a once-handsome man can let himself go so badly. As for Goldie, at least she's not wearing a bikini.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | July 8, 2021 2:51 PM |
R40- Like someone said earlier- It looks like he swallowed a BASKETBALL.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | July 8, 2021 2:58 PM |
Good for them!
However, no more pics.
Thank you.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | July 8, 2021 3:05 PM |
It's been pretty well known that over the years, Kurt has had a "Gene Simmons" like approach to being in a long term relationship. Goldie doesn't crowd him or have him on a leash, that's why it works.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | July 8, 2021 3:37 PM |
I thought they broke up awhile back. —Anonymous
maybe thinking of (see you next tuesday) Sarandon and Tim Robbins?
"From 1988, Sarandon lived with actor Tim Robbins, whom she met while they were filming Bull Durham. They have two sons: Sarandon split with Robbins in 2009"
by Anonymous | reply 44 | July 8, 2021 4:24 PM |
Good news I'm sure: They no longer have to worry about stalkers!
by Anonymous | reply 45 | July 8, 2021 4:30 PM |
R32 knows how to focus on the important elements of a thread!
by Anonymous | reply 46 | July 8, 2021 4:31 PM |
I realize they're a lot older now, but both Goldie and Kurt have *huge* mid-sections. Even with a one-piece, black, shapewear-type swimsuit, Goldie looks very, very bloated. Kurt has the classic basketball gut of an older man.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | July 8, 2021 6:58 PM |
[quote] Like someone said earlier- It looks like he swallowed a BASKETBALL.
Just the one, dear?
by Anonymous | reply 48 | July 8, 2021 7:15 PM |
I give Goldie credit for not getting grapefruit-sized, bolted-on breast implants. However, those huge bolt-ons can actually mitigate the look of an out-sized torso.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | July 8, 2021 7:23 PM |
OMG, nature and aging is a bitch. They look fine, but aging and all that includes like the rest of us, except with a lot of money on a yacht. Your ass don't care where you park it - yacht or mobile home - it flattens, crinkles and sags. Ugh.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | July 8, 2021 7:47 PM |
I think Goldie's been smoking cigarettes all these years. It seems like the DM photoshopped out the cigarettes, if you look at Goldie's hands.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | July 8, 2021 7:52 PM |
Goldie finally has elder white woman body... used to be so envious of it but time is a cruel mistress. Do they have COVID down time alcohol bloat? I feel for them as I did, and do still, but am trying to de-puff.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | July 8, 2021 7:57 PM |
I can certainly see the five years difference in their ages. They should have been allowed their privacy.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | July 8, 2021 7:58 PM |
Her face is like a rigid mask.
Damn, plastic surgery can really fuck up a face.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | July 8, 2021 8:00 PM |
They have fame, money, and a yacht in the south of France, but horror of horrors -they look their ages! Only on DL...
by Anonymous | reply 55 | July 8, 2021 8:11 PM |
When you get to your seventies you just don't give a fuck anymore. You've got maybe 10-15 years left and you're just going to enjoy what you have left.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | July 8, 2021 8:12 PM |
I'd still hook up with him just because he looked like this...
by Anonymous | reply 57 | July 8, 2021 8:17 PM |
Goldie looks good.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | July 8, 2021 8:22 PM |
Goldie is broke, so I don't know how she can afford to yacht in the South of France. Maybe they were guests of a friend.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | July 8, 2021 8:27 PM |
Kurt is a Republican so he needs to drown.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | July 8, 2021 9:00 PM |
Wow, I am shocked that a man in his seventies would be a Republican!
by Anonymous | reply 61 | July 8, 2021 9:05 PM |
Her toenails are too long, ewww.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | July 8, 2021 9:09 PM |
Why are they still together ???
by Anonymous | reply 63 | July 8, 2021 9:21 PM |
“I have a whole (ham) in my stomach!”
by Anonymous | reply 64 | July 8, 2021 10:12 PM |
Kurt never was all that fit and trim. He always looked like he had a paunch. And can Goldie fit into a pair of her daughter's yoga pants?
by Anonymous | reply 65 | July 8, 2021 10:17 PM |
Kurt has an enviable amount of great hair. That's amazing - he still looks good, if he'd lose that belly.
She also looks surprisingly good - taking pics in the open sun can be some of the most unforgiving elements for anyone.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | July 8, 2021 10:41 PM |
Booze bellies.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | July 8, 2021 10:56 PM |
Kurt's been playing Santa in the Netflix movies so he is just getting into character. :)
by Anonymous | reply 68 | July 8, 2021 10:59 PM |
My friend's dad has a basketball belly. My friend said (about his dad): "He doesn't drink! That's not a beer belly, that's food!"
by Anonymous | reply 69 | July 8, 2021 11:00 PM |
They're old. Senior citizens. Why should anybody care if they want to expose their flabby bodies? And "incredibly youthful?" She looks her age. They both do.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | July 8, 2021 11:07 PM |
The Daily Mail published 67 photos of them?
by Anonymous | reply 71 | July 8, 2021 11:08 PM |
Reminds me of the lead singer of the group Alabama, I used to have a crush on him and saw him recently. OOF! Daily Mail loves trolling with all the snarky compliments.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | July 8, 2021 11:10 PM |
"Goldie Hawn, 75, slipped into a skimpy black swimsuit . . ."
It probably required two assistants.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | July 8, 2021 11:12 PM |
The shape of Goldie's "waist" is very typical for many women over 50 (and some men). It's not just fat but an extended ribcage that can occur with age no matter one's diet or exercise. It's just aging.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | July 8, 2021 11:13 PM |
R74, Then how do you explain Cher?
by Anonymous | reply 75 | July 8, 2021 11:15 PM |
Goldie has the body that is typical of someone who spent her entire life 'naturally" slim and never really got into the habit of dieting and working out.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | July 8, 2021 11:15 PM |
In her book 'You'll never eat lunch in this town again' Julia Philips said how filthy Goldie was, she never bathed. So I think r76 is correct.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | July 8, 2021 11:24 PM |
"Then how do you explain Cher?"
I heard that Cher had several ribs removed in order maintain a slender waist. I think that might be true. She's done EVERYTHING when it comes to plastic surgery.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | July 9, 2021 1:29 AM |
R5 No. 6.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | July 9, 2021 2:02 AM |
I suggest next time they swim near a camera they wear something like these stylish suits.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | July 9, 2021 2:07 AM |
That's great for 70 and 75.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | July 9, 2021 2:10 AM |
Kurt's got what we call hereabouts an Old Milwaukee Tumor.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | July 9, 2021 2:19 AM |
Yeah who cares about their physical bodies. As usual, they look adorable together. Which you can't say about straight couples who have been married for half of the time they have been together.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | July 9, 2021 2:21 AM |
I'm sure at age 75 that Goldie just wants to be healthy and couldn't care less about having a perfect body. She cares more about what's for dinner and dessert than what she looks like in a bikini.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | July 9, 2021 2:50 AM |
Not all old people are fat, in fact, it's usually the opposite. They overindulge.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | July 9, 2021 2:59 AM |
R74 is correct. Older women gain weight in the mid-section. It usually happens after menopause. Her legs are still slim.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | July 9, 2021 3:02 AM |
She looks so much better in a black one-piece than my late MIL. Goldie’s skin isn’t half as saggy and flappy. She’s well into “elderly” territory, but look at her. She looks fine for an old gal.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | July 9, 2021 3:28 AM |
R76 she was a dancer before she was an actress and has always kept up with that as far as I know. Her weight never seemed to fluctuate much (she was always fit and thin but never bony or ED thin) and those are usually the people in the best position when they get older.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | July 9, 2021 3:36 AM |
They look quite happy with each other. They are older, wealthy and having a good time. Not sure of the intended hate. Save that for the annoying Kate Hudson.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | July 9, 2021 3:50 AM |
At that age, you are entitled to give zero fucks. I mean, on your deathbed, are you going to think, "I wish I hadn't had that third cookie?"
Rock on, Goldie!
by Anonymous | reply 90 | July 9, 2021 3:56 AM |
I wonder if he's done fucking around on her? I guess she was able to wait it out.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | July 9, 2021 4:10 AM |
Id still let Kurt hit it. He was a much loved boyhood crush of mine for many years.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | July 9, 2021 4:12 AM |
Russell was very fit when he played baseball in the 70s.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | July 9, 2021 4:18 AM |
Does anybody get him mixed up with Patrick Swayze of "Roadhouse" fame?
by Anonymous | reply 95 | July 9, 2021 4:36 AM |
Not on the dance floor...
by Anonymous | reply 96 | July 9, 2021 4:38 AM |
[quote] Does anybody get him mixed up with Patrick Swayze of "Roadhouse" fame?
No. Patrick Swayze is dead.
by Anonymous | reply 97 | July 9, 2021 4:38 AM |
He still has a flat ass in spite of the additional poundage.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | July 9, 2021 4:42 AM |
They’re filming a sequel to Overboard it’s called Overbloat
by Anonymous | reply 100 | July 9, 2021 4:47 AM |
[quote]Does anybody get him mixed up with Patrick Swayze of "Roadhouse" fame?
I do all the time
by Anonymous | reply 101 | July 9, 2021 5:02 AM |
Oh Fank You R198 ! I had never seen that before ! I knew he had a nice fat one !
by Anonymous | reply 102 | July 9, 2021 5:09 AM |
R95 everyone’s giving you a hard time but yes I used to absolutely. Especially in Overboard (and when I watched it as a kid I didn’t know who Kurt Russell was really and I wasn’t aware they were a real couple, etc etc).
Breakdown was a solidly good movie though (probably his last good one) anyone here see that?
by Anonymous | reply 103 | July 9, 2021 5:37 AM |
R103, Yes, "Breakdown" is a very good movie.
by Anonymous | reply 104 | July 9, 2021 7:06 AM |
Patrick Swayze and Kurt Russell will forever be remembered in mullets
by Anonymous | reply 105 | July 9, 2021 2:50 PM |
Kurt and Sly bared their asses in "Tango and Cash".
by Anonymous | reply 106 | July 9, 2021 3:02 PM |
Breakdown (1997) finally proved that Kurt could carry a movie on his own. And it was a surprise hit.
He never got a chance to follow it up.
by Anonymous | reply 107 | July 9, 2021 3:03 PM |
He looks like a pork butt roast.
She looks like lumpy mashed potatoes.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | July 9, 2021 3:10 PM |
Everyone in their party is a lardass American.
by Anonymous | reply 109 | July 9, 2021 3:24 PM |
Goldie and Kurt always had an open relationship. Lots rumors they used to attend swing parties back in the day.
by Anonymous | reply 110 | July 9, 2021 3:26 PM |
They're both nice people - never any drama or bullshit, they still seem to be in love and neither of them can look 20 again. They're having a great time so good on them and fuck the haters.
by Anonymous | reply 111 | July 9, 2021 3:58 PM |
Do any of you know any people in their seventies? That's how they look. They're not obsessed with being super-fit because they don't have a lot of years left and they just want to enjoy their lives.
by Anonymous | reply 112 | July 9, 2021 4:01 PM |
Exactly R112. Most 70 and 75 year olds don't even look that good! Not even vaguely close.
Kurt and Goldie have dieted and exercised their entire lives to stay fit and trim for their Hollywood careers. They both did that admirably. Now, they are obviously happy and content and they look just perfect as they are.
by Anonymous | reply 113 | July 9, 2021 4:08 PM |
When was the last time anyone saw Goldie's forehead?
by Anonymous | reply 114 | July 9, 2021 4:17 PM |
whoever did the latest incisions and stitches or botox
by Anonymous | reply 115 | July 9, 2021 4:26 PM |
R112 well there are a few who keep up appearances until basically the day they die - but those are also the ones who work and stay very much in the public eye until the day they die - Goldie and Kurt are basically retired.
by Anonymous | reply 116 | July 9, 2021 5:28 PM |
Am I at the DL or Ladies Home Journal? I have never seen so many positive comments in one thread since I joined this joint.
by Anonymous | reply 117 | July 9, 2021 6:21 PM |
She’s five years older than him. She robbed it.
by Anonymous | reply 118 | July 9, 2021 6:30 PM |
I always thought Kurt was a hairy guy. Seeing him so smooth is a bit of a letdown. I hope hope hope he doesn't shave his bush!
by Anonymous | reply 119 | July 9, 2021 7:07 PM |
If he can reach his bush!
by Anonymous | reply 120 | July 9, 2021 7:57 PM |
[quote]I hope hope hope he doesn't shave his bush!
He doesn't, but there's not much hair there to begin with.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | July 9, 2021 8:31 PM |
Please sacrifice those two Ugly People to the Gods. Throw them into the volcano!!
by Anonymous | reply 122 | July 9, 2021 8:46 PM |
Kurt could still get it
by Anonymous | reply 123 | July 10, 2021 12:26 AM |
Septuagenarians don’t put on swimsuits to look sexy; they put them on to have fun in the sun and splash in the water, like children. It’s genuine. They’re in their fucking seventies and they’re due this.
by Anonymous | reply 124 | July 10, 2021 12:36 AM |
They look happy and fucking great for their ages. And the yacht looks even better, haters.
by Anonymous | reply 125 | July 10, 2021 12:43 AM |
They were playing Santa and Mrs. Claus in a Netflix film so a little extra padding won't hurt them for those roles.
by Anonymous | reply 126 | July 10, 2021 3:11 AM |
They seem very happy together and after all those years, it kind of renews my faith in humanity.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | July 10, 2021 3:53 AM |
R123, Looks to me like he's gotten it.
by Anonymous | reply 128 | July 10, 2021 5:19 AM |
Remember the poster who told a story about allegedly being at an orgy and Goldie getting pounded by a hung porn star as Kurt watched?
by Anonymous | reply 129 | July 10, 2021 7:08 AM |
Did that happen when they were much younger? Because if it happened recently I might throw up.
by Anonymous | reply 130 | July 10, 2021 7:12 AM |
They’re old and fat, and Britain’s gutter press is on the job so we can all leer at that.
by Anonymous | reply 131 | July 10, 2021 7:16 AM |
Many seem to have forgotten or were not aware that Goldie was married for seven years to actor/dancer Gus Trikonis prior to marrying Bill Hudson. Gus is still alive at 83.
by Anonymous | reply 132 | July 10, 2021 11:45 AM |
Goldie looks a lot better than Anjelica Huston, who just turned 70. Anjelica has turned into her father.
by Anonymous | reply 133 | July 10, 2021 4:15 PM |
Anjelica looks good there ! When she was heavier she looked ghastly.
by Anonymous | reply 134 | July 10, 2021 7:05 PM |
No one ever described Anjelica Huston as pretty.
by Anonymous | reply 135 | July 10, 2021 11:08 PM |
Who writes that shit? "her honey locks"?
by Anonymous | reply 136 | July 10, 2021 11:11 PM |
Aww, Angelica looks sweet there. Could not have been easy with John Huston as a father and Jack Nicholson as a very early romantic partner. Nice that she can celebrate a birthday at Spago with friends (R. O'Donnell, etc.).
by Anonymous | reply 137 | July 10, 2021 11:16 PM |
Angelica Huston's memoirs were fantastic.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | July 11, 2021 5:55 AM |
Huston was great in the original The Witches (1990). It was the only movie of hers that I like.
By the way the 2020 remake with Anne Hathaway is rotten.
by Anonymous | reply 139 | July 11, 2021 10:19 PM |
Goldie's arms look really good, too. Women her age are usually sporting some impressive batwings.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | July 13, 2021 2:20 AM |
Some great pictures of the two from back in the day (and just some really fun rarely seen 80s/90s pics in general) on this IG page.
It’s funny to see who were the most regular show-upers at these premieres - like Courteney Cox well before Friends (or even Michael Keaton) which makes me think she may have been the ultimate “push actor” (who eventually broke thru from a million and a half tries, yes).
by Anonymous | reply 141 | July 13, 2021 3:38 AM |
I remember when Goldie was on The Tonight Show and Kurt came in and swooped her up and carried her out. It was probably preplanned but it seemed so romantic and like they have a lot of fun together.
by Anonymous | reply 142 | July 13, 2021 3:40 AM |
Kurt is at the end of that clip btw. He was so sexy back then.
by Anonymous | reply 144 | July 13, 2021 3:46 AM |
Letterman stunk in his persona as a gap-toothed, obnoxious rapist. I always hated him.
by Anonymous | reply 145 | July 13, 2021 10:13 AM |
R146, Is that Phil and Marlo?
by Anonymous | reply 147 | July 13, 2021 10:30 PM |